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Checks if a button is pressed


local player = CL.InteractCharacter.PlayerInstanceif player == nil then    returnend
local leftHand = player.hands[1]local rightHand = player.hands[0]
local xButton = leftHand.inputs[CL.VRTKInputButton.ButtonType.ButtonOne]local yButton = leftHand.inputs[CL.VRTKInputButton.ButtonType.ButtonTwo]local aButton = rightHand.inputs[CL.VRTKInputButton.ButtonType.ButtonOne]local bButton = rightHand.inputs[CL.VRTKInputButton.ButtonType.ButtonTwo]
if xButton.IsPressed then    print("you pressed the X button")end
if yButton.IsPressed then    print("you pressed the Y button")end
if aButton.IsPressed then    print("you pressed the A button")end
if bButton.IsPressed then    print("you pressed the B button")end

User Variables#

No user variables.


Do you have an example on how you would use this in a script?#

Sure. Here is a script which you can call in an InteractTriggerX.

function table = {}
function table:OnGrab(a, g)  self.hand = a.attachedHand  self:ListenForButtonInput()end
function table:ListenForButtonInput()    local detectButtonInput = function(sche, t, s)        if IsNullOrDestroyed(self.trans) then            sche:Stop()            CL.Scheduler.RemoveSchedule(self.ButtonSchedId)             return        end
         -- gets the a/x button of respective hand        local buttonIsPressed = self.hand.inputs[CL.VRTKInputButton.ButtonType.ButtonOne].IsPressed                if self.isPress and not buttonIsPressed then            self.isPress = false
            print("buttonReleased")        end        if not self.isPress and buttonIsPressed then            self.isPress = true                      print("buttonPressed")        end    end
    self.ButtonSchedId = CL.Scheduler.Create(self.trans, detectButtonInput ,0, -1).actionIdend
return Class(nil,nil,table)

Any other functions I can use with buttons?#

Yes! you can also check if it's being touched, heldDown, and more! Check here